Sunday, October 31, 2004

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Friday, October 29, 2004

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Sunday, October 24, 2004


Many of you Playhouse members have had your accounts terminated in the past few weeks because iBill, my former payment processor here at, is in extreme financial disarray. That is an understatement. There is surprisingly little information available regarding the implosion of iBill, and much of it seems to me to be either lies or just pure speculation.

Since the beginning of October I have watched my little online community here dwindle to less than half of its former size and the population continues to disappear. All Playhouse members who joined my site via iBill have had or will have their access abruptly terminated. All of you did receive or will receive the full 30 days of your last month of membership so no one will get ripped off. The termination of your Playhouse access occurred or will occur on the date you would have been rebilled for the next 30 days.

I want to send a heartfelt thanks to all of you displaced members who have rejoined via Verotel who is now handling all my payment processing. Thank you so much for your support and understanding!!

I am getting ready to send e-mails to all former and remaining iBill clients in this next week. Please know that all of you are very important to me and I sincerely hope to have you back as valued members despite this sad, frustrating, and unfortunate turn of events.

Many kisses,


Sunday, October 17, 2004


I'm supposed to be studying, but instead I find myself aimlessly perusing the internet. I came across this:

Utah to Track Porn Found at Crime Scenes

Sun Oct 17, 6:56 PM ET

 U.S. National - AP

LOGAN, Utah - A sheriff's department in northern Utah is requiring deputies to begin documenting pornography found at crime scenes and during arrests.


Lt. Matt Bilodeau, spokesman for the Cache County Sheriff's Department, said that although no connection between legal porn viewing and criminal behavior has ever been proven, police have seen a steady increase in porn associated with crimes.

He likened the new tracking system to the approach police use with gang members.

"(Gangs) have certain clothes they wear, markings on their houses, tattoos," Bilodeau said. "Like gangs, people who use pornography have associated traits, and we'll define them so we can link them to crimes and pornography."

Dani Eyer, head of American Civil Liberties Union of Utah, compared the program to scouring a suspect's bookshelf and trying to create a criminal profile from the things that person reads.

"It's one thing to collect evidence to crimes, but it's another thing to link thought and association to crime," she said.


Oh, COME ON!! Can I conduct a study of people with pornography in their homes who DON'T commit crimes??

Now that that is off my chest I'd like to ask that you please read the next post which discusses the current problems I'm experiencing with my former website payment processor iBill. The situation is still unresolved and we're trying to work through it. We are now using Verotel as our main payment processor for subscription billings. Thanks so much to all of you members displaced by iBill who have rejoined via Verotel!

Many kisses,


Friday, October 01, 2004

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