Sometimes people secretly hate you. It's unfortunate that they won't come right out and say it. Their subtle put-downs and needless jockeying for what they perceive to be the upper hand gets really irritating. Maybe those folks have a need for you or maybe they have a weird love/hate obsession with you. Either way, I always try and avoid those type of screwed up individuals and it's usually pretty easy to do so. Unfortunately my friend Shannan Leigh inadvertantly brought one of them right back into my orbit recently. I asked Shannan to help me book another model for a shoot we had scheduled. On the appointed day she showed up with this one dumb-ass broad whose name I will not mention. The woman in question has to be the dumbest ass of all the dumb-asses I've ever worked with. She tries to hide her painful insecurity by bragging about her dubious accomplishments and lobbing sly insults at me. Shooting a video with her is no walk in the park. It gets so bad that I feel like her personality is contagious. I told Shannan that there was no way I could do another shoot with this woman. Shannan told me I had no choice. There was no hope of an amicable agreement on this subject so we agreed to don boxing gloves and duke it out in the back room of the studio! The stakes were high because the loser would have to do the shoot with the despicable model. Enter my Playhouse to see just who was the victor in this no-holds-barred, boob-punching bonanza..
- XXOO Tanya