Two and a half years ago longtime member Chairman Andy posted some words on my Members' Bulletin Board about Brett Favre's decision to come back from his very brief retirement and play for the New York Jets. Back then I thought that Favre very well might shock all the naysayers and delight his cancer-stricken wife by having a spectacular season. The Chairman thought otherwise and I saved his sentences on my computer so that I could throw them in his face on some later date. Here is what the Chairman wrote in August 2008:
"Brett will not last the season,that is a pretty dumb move,why didn't he stay great and stay retired,this last hurrah will surely tarnish his lasting legacy in the NFL,if he must come back,why not stay with the Packers.. "
Well, as it turns out Brett did last the season, but it probably would have been better for him if he had not. His longevity in the league has enabled him to tarnish his legacy in a manner that practically no football fan would have expected. From now on I will have to pay even closer attention to the Chairman's prognostications than I already do.
As one might expect the Chairman is continuing to outdo himself in matters regarding US football. Tonight he posted a link to this video on my Members' Board. I must do my part to share it with the world because it is f-ing hilarious. (The photos above are some shots of my friends and me toasting the Chairman's uncanny foresight.)
XO Tanya