Monday, September 22, 2003

Good morning,
The day after my previous blog here I received the post below on the Playhouse bulletin board. Evidently I had alarmed a few people with my words. Perhaps it appeared that I was sending out the proverbial "cry for help." Actually, I had just thought I was being humorous, but to some it seemed to be a desperate plea for attention. I very much appreciate the concern of all parties, but I haven't slid so far into the bottle that I have become a suicidal drunk or anything-hehe! Why does that seem so funny this morning? Probably because I'm in a really good mood.
Anyways, here's the post:

Date 9/20/2003 - 1:58 PM
Name "f..."
Site http://
....... on your p.o.d. (Photo of the Day) on Hollywood Blvd. I see one great star - although the lighting was bad. Your austrian fan "A......" from our chats a few weeks ago was so confused because of your diary entry (Sept. 20th) that he mailed me in panic and asked me what was wrong with you. Let me guess: Corndog Johnny is your name for Johnny Walker, right ? It could fit if you translate your diary entry to German 1:1. I don´t know, maybe it´s because of the translation, but you really seemed to be in a rather bad mood when you typed it in. I can only guess - normally I´m not so good in guessing but when I try to read between the lines it sounds like you were some kind of down or disappointed on someone. I hope I´m completely wrong ............

And here is my response to the concerned post:

Date 9/20/2003 - 3:18 PM
Name Tanya
Site http://
Comments Hi "F..."-- No need to be alarmed. I really DO have a friend named Jon, who I affectionately call Corndog Johnny. He works at the club I dance at sometimes, and, he - more than anyone in recent memory- has seen me in some really drunken states. He commented recently that my personality is remarkably similar when I'm drunk or when I'm not. I thought that was funny since I have worried at times whether I'm more of an imbecile than I realize after I've had a few. When I really think about it though, I've never done anything really wild and crazy while intoxicated. Funny, I do all the particularly stupid, embarrassing things when I'm completely sober. The POTD from yesterday was taken during a night of alcohol-driven festivity. I was amused by it because it may have well been the wildest thing I've ever done while drunk. I almost wish I had some better drunken stories to tell than THAT! Well, maybe I don't. It's just struck me as ironic when I was writing that post that my personality when drunk is a bit tamer than it is when I'm sober...............

So, there it is. I just thought I'd clarify that I'm not suicidal, I just have a poor sense of humor!! At any rate, it was very sweet that anyone was even worried.
Have a great day!-- XXOO Tanya

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