Thursday, February 17, 2005

Good evening,

We slightly redesigned the front page here. No more Photo of the Day. Should you happen to miss the daily photo please visit my 2005 calendar at . There are a lot of non-blondes there- for some reason I just liked the sound of "Blonde Island." Maybe that was because it sounds like a tropical and sunny place where women would be running around in scanty apparel. We've had record rainfall here in L.A. these past few months. Both the building I moved out of and my new residence have needed new roofs. I just had to look up "roof" just now in the dictionary to see if "rooves" was the plural form of "roof." You'd think I'd be pretty well-acquainted with roofing terminology after calling 600 different contractors to see if I could get one to show up, but I guess I'm not.

In any case, I started building when I was living with a wet carpet, damaged futon, and a tarp over this building. At the time it seemed fitting to include an inspirational quotation with each photo so that tradition lives on.

-- XXOO Tanya

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