There's a new sheriff in town. Or is there? A busty brunette wearing a complete mockery of a police officer's uniform knocked on my door in the middle of the night last week looking for one of my neighbors. I sleepily informed her that she had the wrong address and gave her the correct one. I also remarked that the LAPD must really be hiring from the bottom of their applicant pool if their officers had to rely on the goodwill of civilians to lead them to criminal suspects. Then I glanced pointedly at her slutty uniform and asked her if she had been recruited right off the floor of a porn convention.
Evidently that was the wrong thing to say because she grabbed a fistful of my hair and began trying to brutalize me in my own home! A nasty, nasty battle ensued. Fortunately one of my neighbors had a camera. The whole episode was like Rodney King revisited!
Strangely, when I brought my photographic evidence into the police station the following day there was no record of any officer of her name and description known to be working for the LAPD. I invite you to view these violent photos in my Playhouse and see if you can help me identify this phony officer of the law!
She could be coming to your neighborhood next..
-- XXOO Tanya
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