Stacy Burke and I often get hired for custom videos together. Recently a gentleman prepaid us for one. We told him to spend as much time as he needed to come up with the perfect script. A few days went by and I decided to take his money to the dog park to double our earnings. Everything was going great until I lost all the money. A blue-haired granny at the table next to me informed me that a novice like myself wasn't ready to "run with the big dogs yet." I felt like smacking the shit out of her. I checked that impulse and went on home to inform Stacy that I'd blown the money. Of course I cleaned the story up a bit and told her that I'd been mugged on my way to the grocery store. She didn't buy it. Not for a second. She also didn't fancy the idea of doing an hourlong custom video for free. Before I knew it, she was throwing a pair of boxing gloves in my face and we were getting ready to duke it out right there in the living room..
You can see the outcome of this battle royale right inside my Playhouse..
- XXOO Tanya
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