Good evening,
Former Vivid contract girl Devon is featured in the pic above with her then-boyfriend Barrett Blade. I first met Devon in 2000 when I did a girl-girl-girl sex scene with her and Ryan Connor. The director who shot the scene was an interesting person who lived in Huntington Beach, CA, I think. We shot at his house. It appeared that he shared the place with a few roommates. The kitchen/dining area wall was a manifestation of someone's methamphetamine habit. It was a collage of intricately cut, interlocking photos from magazines and other sources. Such designs are often the hallmark of people who use a lot of meth because they seek to keep their hands and addled minds busy with odd, tedious tasks that take outrageous amounts of time. That wall could only have been the work of a tweaker (meth addict).
The director mentioned that one of his favorite projects was a documentary about people who became clinically insane after using too much LSD...
See the HUGE 12-page XXX gallery of Devon and read the rest of the story at my archive site www.JackOffLand.com now!
- XXOO Tanya
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