The other day I went jogging near the beach so I could jump in the ocean when I was done. It was during the weekend and it was impossible to jog along the shoreline because of the number of people playing by the water. Of course I would have had an excuse to stop every 20 feet to avoid tripping over a little kid, but I actually wanted to get some exercise that afternoon instead of just pretending to myself that I had. I laced on my running shoes and headed out towards the numbered streets that run parallel to the ocean. My route was haphazard as I randomly crossed intersections according to which light happened to be green. As I was passing a park at 2nd and Cherry I noticed a small group of men doing tricep dips, (I think that's what the exercise is called), on two parallel metal bars that are on the grass there amongst various other pieces of exercise equipment. They were all wearing wifebeater tank tops and boxer shorts underneath long pants that sat very, very low on their hips. Their pants were so amazingly low that it seemed impossible that they were staying up at all. Did they have belts around them? If so, the belts must have been fastened around their dicks because the tops of their pants were so far below their waists. As I was ruminating about this a different one of the group stepped up to the front of the bars to do a set of dips. His muscles were already gleaming with sweat as he began the first of the repetitions. I was positive that his pants were going to fall off as he continued the exercise because they really seemed to be defying gravity. Maybe there was a belt that I couldn't see, but I kept watching him with fascination as I drew closer. He was laboring and sweating as I stared at him. His friends were chatting among themselves as they waited for their turn, seemingly unconcerned that their buddy may soon be working out in his underwear. All of a sudden the guy stopped in the middle of his repetition and looked me squarely in the face. Had he felt someone gazing at him? Had something just happened behind me to make him look up? I didn't know, but all of his boys whipped around to see what had caught his attention. My face grew red and I felt like a deer caught in the headlights as I passed in front of them on the sidewalk. I turned up the music louder on my disc player as I plodded past them, but not before I heard "C'mon over here..I'll give you some if you want it, baby!" ring out over other catcalls and laughter.
I was sweaty, tired, and embarrassed, but I could see the humor in the episode after I was a few blocks away. The only time I stare at people is when I think I'm completely undetected so it was a bit comical that I'd just been caught redhanded by those dudes. When I got back to the beach I dove into the ocean and forgot about it.
The following day I drove to a shoot with a photographer named Ron who shoots bondage material in his home. Ron had always been kind of weird. On one occasion he had become angry at me and another model when we were discussing an upcoming booking we had scheduled. He told us not to discuss other photographers during his shoot. She and I had exchanged glances of surprise/puzzlement, but we complied with his request. Another time he had accused me of stealing a pair of pantyhose from his wardrobe room. He was definitely a weirdo, but I'm accustomed to dealing with weirdos. I rang his doorbell when I arrived at his place. His annoyance was immediately evident when he answered the door.
"Did you have trouble parking?" he demanded.
"No," I answered and pointed at my car which was parked in front of his house.
"That learning center place behind me has started giving computer classes to guys who have recently been paroled from prison." He snorted with disgust and shook his head. "Do you believe that? Nobody wants them here. They park on my street and they should not be around here at all." he sputtered.
"Well, the classes might help them out a lot." I said.
"I do not need people like this in my neighborhood." he snarled as his assistant Mitch walked into the room. Mitch rolled his eyes behind Ron's back.
I smiled to myself as I headed into the dressing room. The backyard of the learning center sat directly behind Ron's backyard. Ron was probably going to put bars on his windows. What a big baby he was. At least he had made a wise decision when he chose to live in Orange County because he certainly was surrounded with lots of people of his own ilk. It gratified me that the folks at the learning center had the nuts to do something helpful and progressive even if it might distress their uptight neighbors. I quickly touched up my makeup and put on high heels that had a bright floral pattern on a black background. Ron had already selected a pair of red leather wrist and ankle cuffs for me to wear in the set of photos we were about to shoot. The sun was shining outside and he decided that I would pose by the beautiful koi pond that takes up one corner of his backyard. He had been putting that lovely setting to good use for years since it has a large canopy covering it from the view of his neighbors. As Ron, Mitch, and I traipsed outside the sounds of conversation and soft laughter filtered towards us. Evidently some of the students were taking a break in the yard of the learning center. I quickly walked under the canopy so no one would guess that we were doing a shoot next door.
Ron could not relax. We had shot under that canopy on innumerable occasions when students had been relaxing outside, but today Ron was just livid.
"Those are those reprobates. Look, that's them!! Those are those violent criminals and now they are right next door to me!" He looked like he was about to fling his camera down on the ground in a petulant rage.
"Oh, c'mon. They could be any group of students." I said mildly. "Let's just shoot. They can't even see us."
"Any group of students?!" Ron almost spat at me. "Look what they are wearing. You think that's just any group of students in Orange County?!"
I peered sideways through a slat in the fence to look at the three students. They were all wearing clean, pressed T-shirts and pants very, very low on their hips. That style must be in fashion these days. I looked at them for a moment and then exchanged glances with Mitch.
"They could be anybody." Mitch said. "I see guys at my college who dress exactly like that."
"Yeah, I just saw a whole group of them in the park yesterday who had pants so low that I was hoping they might fall off." I said. "I felt like a lecherous pervert because one of them caught me checking out his crotch while I was jogging down the sidewalk."
Mitch and I both started chuckling. My comment had been slightly amusing, but it was Ron's red-faced anger that turned our chuckles into outright laughter. He was just pissed. I wasn't sure if it was because I had been talking about something that didn't pertain to the shoot or because he was so mortified by the dudes hanging out next door. His face was turning a nearly impossible shade of bright red and a vein was pulsing so hard in his forehead that I thought it might bust. For some reason his irrational fit of anger just tickled my funnybone and I could not compose myself. Mitch seemed to be having the same problem.
"Oh, it's funny? It's funny, is it??" Ron hissed at us. "Why don't you see how funny it is when these psychotic criminals see you standing out here naked?!"
With that he shoved me roughly from beneath the canopy and against a stretch of wooden fence that was clearly visible to the guys next door. Shock registered on Mitch's face. Ron was beyond furious and I saw him launch his camera into the air towards the koi pond. Amazingly, Mitch intercepted it in midair as Ron stormed towards the house. The commotion had caught the attention of the guys next door. They were staring at me in astonishment as I balanced myself against a wooden bench next to the fence. I was having trouble maneuvering because of the red leather restraints on my ankles and wrists. For some reason being shackled and naked in full view of these surprised bystanders was causing a hot feeling to spread throughout my body. I wanted to enjoy the moment and make their dicks as hard as possible as they watched from next door. Mitch sensed my mood and started snapping photos while I posed, hot and horny, against the fence..
Join now to see this huge gallery of photos inside The Bondage Room of my Playhouse!
- XXOO Tanya
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