During a trip to San Diego in 2001 I became captivated by an old, dilapidated hotel in the downtown area. No one with me would exhibit anything other than disdain for this remarkable but decayed place. Faded red lettering on the façade of the building identified it as the Hotel San Diego. I tried fruitlessly for years to find out information about it its history. One day I called Jay of JayEdwards.com . He lives in San Diego. I asked him if he knew anything about the Hotel San Diego. At first he didn't. I described the glorious structure in detail and mentioned that it had fallen into a state of extreme disrepair.
“Oh, that old eyesore!” he exclaimed when he realized what building I was talking about. “I think it’s going to be torn down and it’s about time.”
I felt very wistful when I hung up the phone. That grand old building really deserved better. For the next five years I sporadically searched for it on the Internet and even asked 1970s porn star Jesse Adams if he had ever heard of it as a possible venue for live sex shows in past years. Someone in a San Diego bar had mentioned that it had been used by the infamous Mitchell Brothers for that purpose. Jesse, however, was positive it had never been used by the Mitchell Brothers because he had often performed in their live sex shows in San Francisco and the porn community was much smaller back then anyways. He was sure that he would have heard of a location like that if it had been regularly utilized by members of the adult industry. A year or two later Ron Jeremy told me the same thing.
More years passed and in early 2006 I was working at my friend Raul’s office and happened to do a search for historic hotels on the Net when I was supposed to be doing something else. A sponsored ad on the right side of the page caught my attention. After I clicked on it a bolt of shock went through me. I knew I was staring at the Hotel San Diego. Raul was working a few feet away from me and I jumped up and thrust my laptop into his hands.
“Check this place out.” I said without revealing any emotion.
Raul gazed at the photo and then began looking at different pages on the site. I watched his face.
“Wow, this hotel is really awesome!” he said with genuine admiration. “Where is it? Oh, it’s in San Diego. You should go see it. You’re the one that loves all those old buildings. This one is really amazing. It’s supposed to open in the fall of this year.” he commented as he continued reading the text on the site. “Thirteen US Presidents stayed here in the past hundred years. Huh, that’s interesting. I’d like to see it too.” he said as he tried to hand my computer back to me. I refused to take it.
“Doesn’t the hotel look familiar to you?” I asked. Raul had been with me when I had first seen the building. He had wandered around it with me for over an hour, shaking his head the whole time and wondering aloud why I always became fixated on “ghetto-type” dwellings.
Now, five years later, he humored me by looking at the photos longer and then shook his head to communicate that he’d never seen it before.
“You’ve been there.” I said flatly.
I let his confusion go on for a few more minutes and watched his puzzlement increase and some other sensation start to wash over him. He wasn’t telling me to go back to work because some memories were creeping up on him as he continued to look at the site.
“That’s not..,” he began then stopped. “That can’t be that one beat-down old building in San Diego that you became so obsessed with years ago.
“Yep, that’s it. I finally found it.” I responded.
Raul’s shock genuinely gratifyied me. He could not believe the splendor of the newly renovated place that was displayed in the photos. I bookmarked the site, www.USGrant.net , so I could show it to Jewell Marceau the next time we shot. She had also been in San Diego during that trip in 2001. Like Raul she had gotten sick of me rhapsodizing over the Hotel San Diego during the few days we were there. I made her look at the site the following week during a break in our filming, but she refused to believe that it was the same decrepit old building she had seen in San Diego all those years ago. She ended our discussion of it by logging off the Internet and shaking her head. Fortunately it was my turn to tie her up and I resumed our shoot with a renewed sense of vigor..
The entire "Jewell's Pleasure and Pain" gallery is inside The Bondage Room now!
- XXOO Tanya
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