A number of years ago a person in the porn industry described me on his website as "a woman who truly has nothing going for her except a giant pair of boobs." I dismissed him as just another disgruntled misogynist. Honestly, though, many other people have made similar comments to me since then. Some of them have spoken the words to my face and others have uttered them behind my back. I'm tired of being laughed at, tired of the derision, tired of the scorn, tired of the continual references to the heavy metal era. Busty blondes used to enjoy tremendous popularity. Now things are different in both society and in my life. Each night I curl up on my couch with a good book and make every effort to improve my mind. Finally I am ready to show the world who I really am, what I am really all about. I don't need boobs anymore. On April 1, 2011 I will be undergoing a breast reduction procedure in Palm Springs, California. My recuperation should take approximately a month and then I will be back at work to replace the pornographic content on my website with pages of poetry from my soon-to-be-published book. My surgeon initially recommended that I reduce my cup size to a 36C, but I convinced him that a 36A will be much more in keeping with the contemporary, new image that I intend to project. Enjoy the photos above because they are from my final days as a busty blonde. I savor the memories even as I look forward to a beautiful new future as a thoroughly modern woman who values the cerebral over the carnal.
XO Tanya
Those aren't just "a giant pair of boobs" but auxiliary memory modules. Which explains your sensual imagination and robust writing style.
Without your twin muses... would Tanya become just another 'dumb blonde' ? With her two cats and muses she is surely poetry in motion.
Ha ha... April fools day, right? (please let me be right) (please, please let me be right...) :-)
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