Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sometimes I look at old pictures where I was thin and tan and it makes me think I should be making more of an effort these days. Those are just my private thoughts though. I don't appreciate it when random people take it upon themselves to point out how much better I looked when I used to work out a lot and didn't drink every day. In fact, it makes me downright angry when people do that. I've had enough trouble justifying my existence lately without well-intentioned idiots trying to counsel me into having a healthier lifestyle. Goldie made that mistake when we were at a shoot yesterday. I'm happy to report that I can still EASILY kick her ass even in my perpetually hungover, fattened state. That having been said I will admit that my diminished awareness probably did prevent me from seeing her reach for that bottle of chloroform. Please check inside the Playhouse to see the photographic evidence of my sloth and her contemptible, cheating ways.

Whatever happened to a fair fight?

-- XXOO Tanya

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