Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Good morning,

I just reread my post from yesterday and realized that it may have appeared that I was on the cusp of a religious conversion or something. Don't worry, I'm not. I just liked the part of yesterday's post that espouses kindness to one another.

Maybe that's just because I live in a big city and I'm tired of people leaning on their horns if I haven't shifted into gear and blasted away from a stoplight at 90 MPH one second after it turned green :)

Several weeks ago I was standing in line in Sav-on when an elderly man in a wheelchair had to ask a lady in line to step back so he could maneuver through the store. She seemed fearful that he was trying to cut into the line in front of her and she pointedly informed him that he couldn't. The poor guy indicated that he was just attempting to move to a different part of the store and the line was blocking his access. Afterwards the woman was slightly embarrassed and she turned to the couple behind her and said: "Well, I have to watch out for #1 because no one else will."

It was kind of a weird moment in a mean city.

- XXOO Tanya

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