Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Why don't I get along with people anymore? Lately I've been on a real anger rampage. It would seem disingenuous for me to pretend that it's all the other people who have problems and none of it is my fault. But that is how it seems to me. Really. Maybe I was just way too nice for way too long and all the resentment started to bubble up within me recently. Still, even the pent-up aggression of a lifetime will not compel me to risk the liability of hitting somebody first. I really wanted to punch Coral in the nose when she was behaving like an imbecile at a fake wrestling shoot we were at. She was being a little too vigorous in her following of the script with the predetermined outcome and I very much desired to pound it into her head that we were only acting and not really wrestling. Instead of pounding it into her head I just spit in her face. That got her going and she landed the first blow! When all was said and done only one of us could continue the shoot. The shocked cameraman just continued snapping photos of the last woman standing. Please check inside my Playhouse for photo evidence of the incident.

-- XXOO Tanya

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