Sunday, October 12, 2003

Today's Photo of the Day for 10/12/03 was NOT created by me in some hideous moment of self-indulgence- hehe! Who then, you ask, would have carved out those letters in the sand and taken a snapshot? No, really, I didn't pay anyone. Rather, I was approached by a very, very nice gentleman at a convention a few months ago who handed me this photo. I was stunned and amazed. Of course it did occur to me that this sand tribute was made for a DIFFERENT Tanya and given to me as an afterthought, but when I'm old I'll show this picture to my grandchildren since I won't be able to show them any others.
Incidentally, I recently met one of the most beautiful women I have seen in porno. Her name is Tanya James, and she is quite stunning. She's about 5'11 and I think she missed her calling as a fashion model. I believe she is fairly new to the business- I just met her as I was working for VCA director/ noted porn historian Jim Holliday over the weekend.
Perhaps many people will start ending up on my site here accidentally when they are typing in "Tanya" and "porno" on the search engines. Sure, they will be hunting for Tanya James, but maybe I'll be able to parlay the additional traffic into something useful- hehe!
This is neither here nor there, but years ago when I first began posing for magazines I originally picked the last name "St. James" as my stage name of sorts. I think I even have copies of a few magazines where I'm identified as "Tanya St. James." The first nude photo shoot I ever did was with J. Stephen Hicks for Penthouse. Oddly, I ended up getting paid the full $5000 they paid their centerfolds, but that layout was never published. On all the release forms I wrote "Tanya St. James" as my name for publication. I doubt that pictorial will ever see the light of day, but if it does, I'll be identified by my old alias. I recall having large hair, bright red lipstick, size 36B breasts, and wearing big earrings and white pumps in some of the photos. Yep, it was the tail-end of the heavy-metal era.
I think around 1995 I decided to be Tanya "Danielle" when I wrote that name on a release form for Larry Flynt Publications. I had dropped "St. James" when I realized that half the people in the adult industry had surnames that were "St.-something-or-other." A layout in the 1/96 issue of Hustler was the first magazine in which my new name appeared. A while ago someone told me that an actress who used to have a minor role on "The X-Files" was named Tanya Danielle, but I don't know if that was true or not.
Anyways, I digress. Thank you very, very much to the kind gentleman who gave me the sand photo a few months ago!! I hope you see it up here on the web. -- XXOO Tanya

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