Sunday, July 18, 2004

Good evening,

Following RIGHT on the heels of my post yesterday on the Playhouse bulletin board was a mildly amusing turn of events. Yesterday I basically admitted in writing that I am perhaps not the most reliable model in the world. It's not a well-kept secret. I have bad (self-created) karma in that department so today it did not surprise me at all when I drove into the San Fernando Valley, arrived at the location, and then found out my shoot was cancelled.

I just mention it because I was discussing that very subject yesterday so it was kind of funny. You can read the details on the Playhouse bulletin board.

On a happy note though, I did shoot a beautiful bondage gallery for the Playhouse today AND obtained a H-O-T-T-T video of GORGEOUS Lonnie Adams which will be in the Playhouse soon too!!!

-- XXOO Tanya

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