Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Hi again,

It feels so strange to be home and not have access to the Playhouse bulletin board. I just went for a nighttime run since I did not have time this morning before I caught my plane back to CA. Now I must pack my bags for tomorrow's trip to Mojave. I'll be staying out there until Friday night when I'll hopefully have enough energy to drive home.

Larry, Amanda, and Lana (my feline contingent) were so happy to see me today that I feel guilty leaving again. Fortunately my roommates make a habit of dancing attendance on all of them. Lana is almost 3 pounds now and we're getting worried that she may grow to be as big as Large Larry. Our vet is going to know we're bad parents if we have 2 cats that weigh more than 15 pounds in one household. We can't blame the neighbors for everything, even though Large Larry DOES sample the menus around town.

Good night!

-- XXOO Tanya

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